My new website!

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Adelaide Baby Photos


My website for newborn baby photography is up and running, I’m very excited about it I must admit. And I have to thank all the generous new mums and dads, whose gorgeous newborn babies have their photos all over the site.

Please click on the link and go and have a look for yourself!

Gordy the Labradoodle

 I have to say this gorgeous looking fella, is the most beautifully behaved and well-trained dog I have ever met. Including my own dog who I thought was pretty good! Still a young dog at just over one year, he’s almost human; ask him to do something and he does, right away. Fantastic. And so handsome too! Absolute pleasure and 100% fun taking photos, I LOVE my job!



 It’s amazing that at only 2 weeks old, newborn boys already look different to newborn girls! Little Zack is gorgeous, chubby and looks like he’s almost ready to kick a football around. Despite it being a typical hot Adelaide summer day, he was very content in front of the heater, and we got through this photo shoot in no time at all!



 10 day old Sienna arrived just in time for Christmas, I took these photos just 3 days before Xmas Day amid a flurry of wrapping paper, the smells of cake baking and a 2 1/2 year old big sister who was very worried that Santa might not make it to the house, despite her having a bag of “reindeer oats” (muesli!) ready for them! I’m sure Santa made it, but I reckon the best present was this little bundle of new life