Chinese families

Adelaide Baby Photos
Adelaide Baby Photos

Although I’m not Chinese myself, I have photographed so many babies from families of Chinese descent that I now have quite an understanding of the culture and traditions that surround the birth of a new baby into the family, even when it is a young Chinese couple living in Australia.

As a result I now offer a Chinese Package to facilitate the desire to have newborn photos but the difficulties of how to do that with the 30 day confinement period. For Chinese families I do a pregnancy photo shoot at my studio around the 34 week mark, then when the new baby is born I do a newborn photo shoot at their home in the first 2 weeks, and then another studio photo shoot on the 100th day. I love doing it as I get to have quite a relationship with the parents, and invariably they come back at 8 months and at 1 year so I get to see the baby grow up too.

German Shepherd, Colllie X

Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho

Hunter was the winner of a competition held by my local vet. People were asked to upload a photo of their pet onto the vets Facebook page and then the pet with the most “likes” won a photo shoot with me!

Well handsome boy Hunter won the competition and came for his photo shoot. He’s a German Shepherd x Collie with the looks of a German Shepherd and the mind of a Collie! He was sheep dog trained as a puppy and so he’s really good with commands and even ‘talks’ when asked to!

This photo shoot was done and dusted in no time at all, Hunter posed beautifully and was so good. Now his humans have the hard task of deciding which of his gorgeous photos to print!

I’m back from Africa!

Janet Coelho Adelaide Pet Photos
Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos

Flew in last night from Botswana and the most amazing safari yet, full of amazing sightings, once in a lifetime experiences and as always good friends and lots of laughs.

Only 35o0 photos to go through! But back to work tomorrow so it might take me a while before I get a chance to do that, never mind I’m still in Africa inside my head!

Off to Africa!

Janet Coelho
Janet Coelho

I’ll be a bit quiet on this blog for the next few weeks as I’m off to Africa to take photos of big pussycats and wild dogs and hopefully lots of baby wild animals. Can’t wait!

Janet Coelho
Janet Coelho

This is my 5th trip to Africa, I’m a lucky girl, and I am always in awe of the wildlife there. The privilege of being amongst herds of wildebeest and zebras, to see a pack of lions lazing in the shade of tree, watch baby elephants being nudged along by their mums … it’s just amazing.

Janet Coelho
Janet Coelho

Each trip has had it’s special moments, one trip we were at a den when the litter of wild dog puppies  made their first appearance out of the den, we spent ages one year watching a baby elephant playing in the soft mud at the side of the river face planting himself just for the fun of it. Last year we visited a hyena den with lots of babies and hoped that the nearby prowling lions wouldn’t get to them.

I wonder what this year will have to offer ………………….

See you when I get back!

Janet Coelho
Janet Coelho