RSPCA Rescued Ruby

DSC_5507-EditThis  little cutie was recently adopted from the RSPCA by some friends of mine. She’s a real sweetie and has certainly landed on her paws and lives a very comfortable life now.

She came to spend a few days with me while her folks went on holiday and she settled in beautifully with Oscar and Molly. I decided to let her help me set up my lights for a photo shoot instead of using Oscar or Molly like I usually do. Well, Molly wasn’t happy about that and hopped up on the table too! Not that she really wanted to have her photo taken it seems as she was rather bored by it all! It’s a good thing you can crop photos!

There is never a dull moment when you have dogs around, they bring a smile to your face every day.

Handsome Hunter


Hunter has to be one of the easiest dogs to photograph …. he is fascinated by the sound of chickens! So as I knew that I downloaded an app onto my phone that had 12 different chicken sounds and kept playing them throughout his photo shoot! It worked like a charm, and the head tilts that I got as a result were awesome. This photo of Hunter is now my banner, I just love how he looks like he’s smiling at the camera.

Tea party with a spaniel is a beautiful heritage house just a 5 minute walk from my studio, so I decided to do this little girls photo shoot with a vintage theme. Nothing quite like a tea party with your best friend, especially when your best friend is a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel! I’ve been photographing this little girl since she was a newborn baby and the spaniel since she was a puppy, it’s been lovely watching them growing up together.


I’m so happy that the NSW government has passed a law to ban greyhound racing. I’ve had the lovely experience of photographing these gentle dogs on many occasions, all of them have been ex-racers who were deemed ‘unsuitable’ and were fortunate enough to end up in loving homes. Hopefully the rest of Australia will follow NSW’s lead and ban it in all the states.

Anyone for tennis?


Tiny Oliver came with his mum for a photo shoot when he was just 8 days old. Unfortunately his dad couldn’t make the photo shoot so I told him to send along anything he had that was special to him and I would try and do a baby photo incorporating it. So Oliver arrived with a tennis racket as his dad is a keen player! I had to think for a while as to how I could do this, but my dog Oscar is tennis ball mad so we have a lot of them around the place. His mum and I picked out the best looking ones and then stuck them together with glue and put some nice soft padding on top of the tennis racket, and here is the end result.

Furry Family


What an unusual furry family this was to photograph, a huge Doberman with the most expressive ears that went up and down and round and round, then a tiny Italian Greyhound, and to top it off an Short Haired Exotic black cat … who thinks he’s a dog! Just wonderful how the 3 completely different sizes and breeds all get along so well, it was a real pleasure and quite an experience having them in my studio for a photo shoot.

And this is me and my babies

Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho

And this is me and my fur babies Oscar and Molly! I cannot begin to describe the joy that these two furry bundles bring me every day and I am so thankful that our paths crossed. They are both rescue dogs, Oscar is around 11 years old and Molly is around 4, they are of no particular breed but looking at them they must have had similar parents, it’s just a coincidence that they look alike, they are in no way related or have any kind of breeding!

I love them to the moon and back, and because I work from home and enjoy running and walking we get to spend lots of time together, and we all love it.

Oh and I can’t begin to tell you hard it was to get a photo of myself with them!!


I’m not sure why but I’ve only photographed a handful of dalmatian dogs, strange because I see a lot of them around. Anyway, this particular beauty made up for all of them. Her owner contacted me saying that she wanted to have some photos taken with her best friend, her dog … well I SO get that! Needless to say we had a wonderful photo shoot, myself and the owner talking non stop about how fabulous our dogs are, and in the meantime this beautiful liver spotted dalmatian strutted her stuff and posed beautifully!

Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho


Adelaide Baby Photos
Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho

4 year old Bailey was such a great little boy, after a couple of weeks of clients with the ‘terrible twos’ it was such a pleasure to have a little boy who listened, didn’t have tantrums and understood that his newborn brother had to be treated with care!

Lovely photo shoot with a newborn who was wide awake but as calm as could be, and a big brother who worked with me beautifully to get some photos that their parents will treasure forever.

Footy Baby!

Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho

No prizes for guessing that this baby has a father that loves Australian Footy!

I have a huge printed version of this hanging in my studio, and as soon as my new clients see it dad gets back in the car and goes home to collect his own footy ball to replicate this photo! I’m also surprised how many dads carry a footy ball around in their car anyway, and can just go and get it out of the car! I would keep one myself but I have learned that the make, and wording on the footy is very important according to what team you support, the things you learn doing newborn baby photography!

Bosco the boxer dog

I have to admit that I have a bit of a weakness for dogs with wrinkles! Boxers, pugs, bull mastiffs and Shar Pei’s … anytime I hear that’s the type of dog that a client is bringing I can’t wait to meet them and see those oh-so-expressive faces.

Bosco was no exception, plus he loved squeaky toys, so one squeak and the eyebrows went up and all the forehead wrinkles deepened, love it!


Chinese families

Adelaide Baby Photos
Adelaide Baby Photos

Although I’m not Chinese myself, I have photographed so many babies from families of Chinese descent that I now have quite an understanding of the culture and traditions that surround the birth of a new baby into the family, even when it is a young Chinese couple living in Australia.

As a result I now offer a Chinese Package to facilitate the desire to have newborn photos but the difficulties of how to do that with the 30 day confinement period. For Chinese families I do a pregnancy photo shoot at my studio around the 34 week mark, then when the new baby is born I do a newborn photo shoot at their home in the first 2 weeks, and then another studio photo shoot on the 100th day. I love doing it as I get to have quite a relationship with the parents, and invariably they come back at 8 months and at 1 year so I get to see the baby grow up too.

German Shepherd, Colllie X

Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho

Hunter was the winner of a competition held by my local vet. People were asked to upload a photo of their pet onto the vets Facebook page and then the pet with the most “likes” won a photo shoot with me!

Well handsome boy Hunter won the competition and came for his photo shoot. He’s a German Shepherd x Collie with the looks of a German Shepherd and the mind of a Collie! He was sheep dog trained as a puppy and so he’s really good with commands and even ‘talks’ when asked to!

This photo shoot was done and dusted in no time at all, Hunter posed beautifully and was so good. Now his humans have the hard task of deciding which of his gorgeous photos to print!

I’m back from Africa!

Janet Coelho Adelaide Pet Photos
Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos

Flew in last night from Botswana and the most amazing safari yet, full of amazing sightings, once in a lifetime experiences and as always good friends and lots of laughs.

Only 35o0 photos to go through! But back to work tomorrow so it might take me a while before I get a chance to do that, never mind I’m still in Africa inside my head!

Off to Africa!

Janet Coelho
Janet Coelho

I’ll be a bit quiet on this blog for the next few weeks as I’m off to Africa to take photos of big pussycats and wild dogs and hopefully lots of baby wild animals. Can’t wait!

Janet Coelho
Janet Coelho

This is my 5th trip to Africa, I’m a lucky girl, and I am always in awe of the wildlife there. The privilege of being amongst herds of wildebeest and zebras, to see a pack of lions lazing in the shade of tree, watch baby elephants being nudged along by their mums … it’s just amazing.

Janet Coelho
Janet Coelho

Each trip has had it’s special moments, one trip we were at a den when the litter of wild dog puppies  made their first appearance out of the den, we spent ages one year watching a baby elephant playing in the soft mud at the side of the river face planting himself just for the fun of it. Last year we visited a hyena den with lots of babies and hoped that the nearby prowling lions wouldn’t get to them.

I wonder what this year will have to offer ………………….

See you when I get back!

Janet Coelho
Janet Coelho

Little Miss Newborn Perfect!

Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho

Wow, this newborn baby looks like she made a visit to the beauty salon to have her eyebrows and lashes touched up, but at only 16 days old it’s all perfectly natural and perfectly perfect! And she was such an easy baby to photograph too, no fussing no crying just little miss perfect!

My Mornings!

Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho

I’m dog sitting for 2 friends at the moment, so my doggy household is now 4 dogs. All the dogs know each other as we human friends all belong to the same running club and take our dogs for a run too so they all get along great.

This is the scene first thing in the morning while I’m making my morning coffee and they are very patiently waiting for their breakfast, I just love them!

Great Danes and Great Dane puppy

Oh my goodness, the bigger of the two Great Danes is only 5 1/2 months old, the small one is only a few weeks but one day she will be that big. And one day soon they will both be bigger altogether! Hopefully their humans have a big house!

Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho

Before and After

Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho

I love doing these before and after photos, every time someone books a pregnancy photo shoot I’m always hoping that they will be keen to do something like this. It takes a bit of planning and finding out what style is most appealing to the mum to be, and then having the patience in the middle of a newborn baby shoot to get it all together. But what a fantastic keepsake to remember the whole experience of that anticipation of a new baby followed by the intense love for a newborn baby.

Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho

German Shepherds and pretty girls!

Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho

Bet that got your attention!

Zac is an elderly gentleman and a real sweetie. His companion is a small “white fuffy” dog who keeps him on his toes and is probably keeping him  young. He has been with his rather lovely human all his life which is 12 years, and hopefully has quite a few more to go because they both love each other dearly.

Newborn babies are the best!

Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho

Only 13 days young this newborn arrived at my studio with parents and all grandparents in tow, quite a crowd and a lot of love in the room, she  is totally adored by everyone, and with good reason … what a gentle and contented baby she is, she would make even the hardest heart melt.

Nova, Great Dane puppy

Hard to imagine that this little bundle of wrinkles, cuteness and velvet fur will one day be big enough to need a single size human bed to sleep on! But that’s Great Danes for you, her humans are totally enjoying this cuddly, lapdog size … because it won’t last long!

Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Pet Photos by Janet Coelho

Two year olds and newborn babies

I’m always happy when my clients call me up to say they have had another baby and want to come back to do photos with the new baby. But I must admit that my heart sinks a little when they ask if they bring baby number one along as well … who is now 2 years old. You know what they say about the “terrible twos’! There’s a good reason for it!

Of course all parents want to get beautiful photos of their children together, but working with 2 year olds is really hard. And when you add a new born baby and all the safety issues that go with it, well it just gets harder. But how can I say no? It’s what every parent wants, so I just cross my fingers and hope for the best. And when it goes right, it goes really right!!! We worked hard to get this shot, but it was so worth it!

Adelaide Baby Photos by Janet Coelho
Adelaide Baby Photos

Australian Border Collies

Australian Border Collies come in a variety of colours, these 3 are all collies ranging from elderly to middle aged to puppy. They all live together and happily their human is a fantastic dog trainer, so photographing them is a breeze! Lovely, happy and calm dogs they are incredibly intelligent and love to please, and I’m always pleased when I get the annual phone call to say it’s time to update their photos as I know the photo shoot will be a lot of fun.

Adelaide Pet Photos
Adelaide Pet Photos

Miss Roly Poly

Adelaide Baby Photos

Little Miss Roly Poly made my job easy today! Already 3 weeks old so not really a newborn as that’s supposed to be in the first 2 weeks, but she was really calm and relaxed, not quite as flexible as a newbie but still able to get into most of the cute baby poses.

Adelaide Baby Photos

Double the cuteness

Adelaide Baby Photos

Double the trouble, but also double the cuteness, twins can be a real challenge to photograph. Of course every parent wants gorgeous pictures of the two together, but actually getting them both fed, calm and posed at the same time is really hard.

These two were lovely to work with, the little boy in particular was such an easy going baby and fell asleep at the drop of a hat (even a yellow and blue long tailed stripey one!), his sister was a bit more fussy but we girls are allowed to be fussy!

Sergeant Major, Great Dane

Adelaide Pet PhotosI first photographed Sergeant Major (known as Sarge to his friends) when he was just 3 months old. He was the most delightful puppy, already partially clicker trained and just all paws and ears and fur like velvet. His human decided that being a Great Dane he was going to grow at a tremendous rate and we would do a timeline of photos to show how much he grew in his first year.

Well, let me tell you, Great Danes grow very fast! He came back today aged 5 1/2 months, so only 10 weeks later and I hardly recognised him! And he still has lots more growing to do!

Adelaide Pet Photos

The cat that thinks it’s a dog

Adelaide Pet PhotosMortlock is a very chilled out cat, every day he goes for a walk with his humans, and for his photo shoot he walked here on a collar and lead!

Absolutely divine personality (or is that catonality?), so  relaxed and sure knew how to strike a pose, and when he’d had enough he curled up on my dogs bed and had a snooze!